如何生成和阅读EnterpriseDB (PPAS)诊断报告
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rds用户请使用rds_snap, rds_get_snaps, rds_report, rds_truncsnap代替本文的函数。





edb=# select datname,sum(total_time) from pg_stat_statements t1, pg_database t2 where t1.dbid=t2.oid group by 1 order by 2 desc;    datname    |       sum        ---------------+------------------ a | 70971703.7060002 b |       951986.866 c |         1437.653 d |             49.9 e |             1.06(5 rows)






edb=# SELECT * FROM edbsnap();       edbsnap        ---------------------- Statement processed.(1 row)


例如在ECS上创建一个crontab, 每一个小时打一次快照,并删除7天前的快照。



edb=# SELECT * FROM get_snaps();          get_snaps           ------------------------------ 1  11-FEB-10 10:41:05.668852 2  11-FEB-10 10:42:27.26154 3  11-FEB-10 10:45:48.999992 4  11-FEB-10 11:01:58.345163 5  11-FEB-10 11:05:14.092683 6  11-FEB-10 11:06:33.151002 7  11-FEB-10 11:11:16.405664 8  11-FEB-10 11:13:29.458405 9  11-FEB-10 11:23:57.595916 10 11-FEB-10 11:29:02.214014 11 11-FEB-10 11:31:44.244038(11 rows)



SELECT * FROM edbreport(beginning_id, ending_id);

返回指定快照范围内,TOP N的系统等待信息

sys_rpt(beginning_id, ending_id, top_n)edb=# SELECT * FROM sys_rpt(9, 10, 10);                                   sys_rpt                                   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAIT NAME                                COUNT      WAIT TIME       % WAIT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wal write                                21250      104.723772      36.31 db file read                             121407     72.143274       25.01 wal flush                                84185      51.652495       17.91 wal file sync                            712        29.482206       10.22 infinitecache write                      84178      15.814444       5.48 db file write                            84177      14.447718       5.01 infinitecache read                       672        0.098691        0.03 db file extend                           190        0.040386        0.01 query plan                               52         0.024400        0.01 wal insert lock acquire                  4          0.000837        0.00(12 rows)

返回指定快照范围内,TOP N的会话等待信息

sess_rpt(beginning_id, ending_id, top_n)SELECT * FROM sess_rpt(18, 19, 10);                               sess_rpt                                       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ID    USER       WAIT NAME              COUNT TIME(ms)   %WAIT SES  %WAIT ALL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  17373 enterprise db file read           30   0.175713   85.24      85.24 17373 enterprise query plan             18   0.014930   7.24       7.24 17373 enterprise wal flush              6    0.004067   1.97       1.97 17373 enterprise wal write              1    0.004063   1.97       1.97 17373 enterprise wal file sync          1    0.003664   1.78       1.78 17373 enterprise infinitecache read     38   0.003076   1.49       1.49 17373 enterprise infinitecache write    5    0.000548   0.27       0.27 17373 enterprise db file extend         190  0.04.386   0.03       0.03 17373 enterprise db file write          5    0.000082   0.04       0.04 (11 rows)


sessid_rpt(beginning_id, ending_id, backend_id)SELECT * FROM sessid_rpt(18, 19, 17373);                                 sessid_rpt                                 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID    USER       WAIT NAME             COUNT TIME(ms)  %WAIT SES   %WAIT ALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17373 enterprise db file read           30   0.175713  85.24       85.24 17373 enterprise query plan             18   0.014930  7.24        7.24 17373 enterprise wal flush              6    0.004067  1.97        1.97 17373 enterprise wal write              1    0.004063  1.97        1.97 17373 enterprise wal file sync          1    0.003664  1.78        1.78 17373 enterprise infinitecache read     38   0.003076  1.49        1.49 17373 enterprise infinitecache write    5    0.000548  0.27        0.27 17373 enterprise db file extend         190  0.040386  0.03        0.03 17373 enterprise db file write          5    0.000082  0.04        0.04(11 rows)


sesshist_rpt(snapshot_id, session_id)edb=# SELECT * FROM sesshist_rpt (9, 5531);                              sesshist_rpt                                  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID    USER       SEQ  WAIT NAME                   ELAPSED(ms)   File  Name                 # of Blk   Sum of Blks  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5531 enterprise 1     db file read    18546        14309  session_waits_pk     1          1            5531 enterprise 2     infinitecache read          125          14309  session_waits_pk     1          1            5531 enterprise 3     db file read                376          14304  edb$session_waits    0          1            5531 enterprise 4     infinitecache read          166          14304  edb$session_waits    0          1            5531 enterprise 5     db file read                7978         1260   pg_authid            0          1            5531 enterprise 6     infinitecache read          154          1260   pg_authid            0          1            5531 enterprise 7     db file read                628          14302  system_waits_pk      1          1            5531 enterprise 8     infinitecache read          463          14302  system_waits_pk      1          1            5531 enterprise 9     db file read                3446         14297  edb$system_waits     0          1            5531 enterprise 10    infinitecache read          187          14297  edb$system_waits     0          1            5531 enterprise 11    db file read                14750        14295  snap_pk              1          1            5531 enterprise 12    infinitecache read          416          14295  snap_pk              1          1            5531 enterprise 13    db file read                7139         14290  edb$snap             0          1            5531 enterprise 14    infinitecache read          158          14290  edb$snap             0          1            5531 enterprise 15    db file read                27287        14288  snapshot_num_seq     0          1            5531 enterprise 16    infinitecache read       (17 rows)


purgesnap(beginning_id, ending_id)SELECT * FROM purgesnap(6, 9);              purgesnap              ------------------------------------ Snapshots in range 6 to 9 deleted.(1 row)edb=# SELECT * FROM get_snaps();          get_snaps           ------------------------------ 1  11-FEB-10 10:41:05.668852 2  11-FEB-10 10:42:27.26154 3  11-FEB-10 10:45:48.999992 4  11-FEB-10 11:01:58.345163 5  11-FEB-10 11:05:14.092683 10 11-FEB-10 11:29:02.214014 11 11-FEB-10 11:31:44.244038(7 rows)


truncsnap()SELECT * FROM truncsnap();       truncsnap       ---------------------- Snapshots truncated.(1 row)SELECT * FROM get_snaps(); get_snaps -----------(0 rows)



edbreport(beginning_id, ending_id)


stat_db_rpt(beginning_id, ending_id)


stat_tables_rpt(beginning_id, ending_id, top_n, scope)

scope=ALL, USER, SYS


statio_tables_rpt(beginning_id, ending_id, top_n, scope)


stat_indexes_rpt(beginning_id, ending_id, top_n, scope)


statio_indexes_rpt(beginning_id, ending_id, top_n, scope)


scope determines which tables the function returns statistics about. Specify SYS, USER or ALL:SYS indicates that the function should return information about system defined tables. A table is considered a system table if it is stored in one of the following schemas:   pg_catalog, information_schema, sys, or dbo.USER indicates that the function should return information about user-defined tables.ALL specifies that the function should return information about all tables.

rds ppas用户注意

rds ppas用户是普通用,如果要使用以上的函数,需要在前面加rds_前缀,如下方法可以查看有哪些rds函数。


postgres=# \df rds*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             List of functions Schema |           Name           |     Result data type     |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Argument data types                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |  Type  --------+--------------------------+--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------- sys    | rds_add_policy           | void                     | object_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, object_name text, policy_name text, function_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, policy_function text, statement_types text DEFAULT 'insert,update,delete,select'::text, update_check boolean DEFAULT false, enable boolean DEFAULT true, static_policy boolean DEFAULT false, policy_type integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, long_predicate boolean DEFAULT false, sec_relevant_cols text DEFAULT NULL::text, sec_relevant_cols_opt integer DEFAULT NULL::integer | normal sys    | rds_drop_policy          | void                     | object_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, object_name text, policy_name text                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | normal sys    | rds_enable_policy        | void                     | object_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, object_name text, policy_name text, enable boolean                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | normal sys    | rds_get_snaps            | SETOF text               |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | normal sys    | rds_manage_extension     | boolean                  | operation text, pname text, schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, logging boolean DEFAULT false                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | normal sys    | rds_pg_cancel_backend    | boolean                  | upid integer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | normal sys    | rds_pg_stat_activity     | SETOF pg_stat_activity   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | normal sys    | rds_pg_stat_statements   | SETOF pg_stat_statements |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | normal sys    | rds_pg_terminate_backend | boolean                  | upid integer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | normal sys    | rds_report               | SETOF text               | beginsnap bigint, endsnap bigint                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | normal sys    | rds_snap                 | text                     |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | normal sys    | rds_truncsnap            | text                     |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | normal(12 rows)



